community lunch
All welcome, 3rd Thursday of every month at 12pm. In current days we bring along our own lunch to eat with friends.
Discover something new in the process, hearing special guests share their knowledge, life, adventures and experiences. From those with travel tales to local musicians performing, we hear amazing advice or support local and wider communities.
For details of the next Community Lunch please contact Helen at the Church office.

church dinner and silent auction
Saturday june 14th 2025 6.30pm
Spicer brings all the right ingredients to the annual Church Dinner- good food, good company, good times.
We all need those opportunities to dress up a little and go out together. In 2025 we will combine the social occasion with the opportunity to raise funds through a silent auction. All proceeds will be used in ongoing outreach work of Spicer in local and wider mission programs.

movie group
Visit classic Adelaide theatres for a film and a fun night out, first Tuesday of the month. Contact the Church office for details or look out for the notices in weekly Newsletters which can be found here